Bring Strategies to your school
What is the purchase price?
Price: $497 $97.00
Note: Due to the stress and challenges involved for teens during the Covid era, we are making this program available again. Revised twice since originally offered, it is due for an update by late 2022. We believe that teens in these times will truly benefit from the lessons enclosed and know that teachers can take the basic lessons and make them work for their students.
Now receive the full program for only $97 as a digital download by email.
How to order:
1. To order online, click here. This will take you to a Paypal page where you can use your PayPal account or your favorite credit card. You will then be taken to a site which contains links to download the curriculum and the two bonus books.
2. To order with a purchase order, send it by mail or email:
Horizon Enterprises, Inc.
200 Middle Highway #356
Barrington, Rhode Island 02806 or